Is It Safe to Go For Safari in Tanzania With Kids?

Bruno African Safari
3 min readMar 2, 2024


Kids on Safari in Tanzania

Yes, it’s safe to go on a safari in Tanzania with kids, but it’s important to take necessary health precautions, follow wildlife safety guidelines, and choose reputable tour operators for a smooth and enjoyable experience. Learn more bellow

1. Experienced Tour Operators

Opting for established and reputable tour operators is crucial. Look for companies with a track record of organizing family safaris and positive reviews from families who’ve traveled with them. These operators often have extensive experience in ensuring the safety of children during safaris.

2. Qualified Guides

Knowledgeable and experienced guides play a pivotal role in ensuring a safe safari experience. They are adept at interpreting animal behavior, maintaining a safe distance from wildlife, and handling any unforeseen circumstances. Guides who are trained in first aid and emergency procedures further enhance the safety aspect.

3. Family-Friendly Accommodations

Many safari lodges and camps in Tanzania cater specifically to families with children. These accommodations offer amenities and activities tailored to the needs and safety of young travelers. They often feature fenced-in areas, swimming pools with supervision, and child-friendly meal options.

best accommodations

4. Transportation Safety

Safari vehicles are designed with safety in mind, featuring elevated viewing platforms and sturdy construction. They are equipped to handle the terrain and provide a secure vantage point for wildlife viewing. Additionally, drivers are trained to prioritize the safety of passengers, including children.

5. Health Precautions

Prior to traveling to Tanzania, it’s essential to take health precautions, especially for children. This includes vaccinations, malaria prophylaxis, and carrying necessary medications. Consultation with a healthcare professional ensures that appropriate measures are taken to safeguard against health risks.

6. Supervision and Education

Supervision of children is paramount during safaris. Parents and guardians should ensure that children adhere to safety guidelines, stay within designated areas, and follow the instructions of guides. Educating children about wildlife behavior, respecting boundaries, and safety protocols enhances their understanding and awareness.

7. Emergency Preparedness

While emergencies are rare, being prepared is imperative. Carry essentials such as water, snacks, a first aid kit, and communication devices. Safari guides are trained to handle emergencies and provide assistance if needed. Knowing emergency procedures and communication channels adds an extra layer of security.

8. Weather Awareness

Tanzania’s climate can vary, so it’s essential to be prepared for fluctuating weather conditions. Pack appropriate clothing, sunscreen, hats, and insect repellent to mitigate weather-related risks. Guides typically plan safari activities around weather forecasts to ensure the safety and comfort of travelers.

9. Cultural Sensitivity

Respecting local customs and traditions is essential when traveling in Tanzania. Teach children about Tanzanian culture, wildlife conservation, and the importance of respecting the environment. Encourage cultural sensitivity and responsible behavior to foster positive interactions with locals.

10. Personal Responsibility

Ultimately, ensuring the safety of children on safari in Tanzania requires personal responsibility from parents, guardians, and tour operators. By prioritizing safety measures, adhering to guidelines, and staying vigilant, families can enjoy a memorable and safe safari experience in Tanzania.

Our best Recommended safari packages with Kinds while traveling in Tanzania.

3 Day
Tanzania Lodge Safari Tour
3 Day
Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

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Bruno African Safari

Bruno African safari is a authentic tour company in Tanzania based on Wildlife safari , Kilimanjaro climb, Zanzibar holiday and Cultural tour.