Where is the best place to see wildlife Tanzania

Bruno African Safari
3 min readMar 4, 2024


Impala on Serengeti Park Tanzania

Tanzania is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise, boasting an incredible diversity of ecosystems that support a vast array of animal species. From the iconic savannahs of the Serengeti to the dense forests of the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania offers some of the best opportunities to observe wildlife in their natural habitats. Let’s delve into some of the best places to see wildlife in Tanzania, highlighting their unique features and the species you can expect to encounter:

1. Serengeti National Park

Arguably the crown jewel of Tanzanian wildlife destinations, the Serengeti is renowned for its vast grasslands and annual wildebeest migration. This UNESCO World Heritage Site hosts the highest concentration of large mammals on Earth, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and zebras. The park’s diverse landscape, ranging from open plains to riverine forests, provides habitats for a wide variety of wildlife throughout the year.

2. Ngorongoro Crater

Often described as the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” the Ngorongoro Crater is a massive volcanic caldera that harbors an astonishing diversity of wildlife within its confines. Visitors to this unique ecosystem can expect to encounter all of the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros) along with a plethora of other species such as cheetahs, hyenas, and flamingos. The crater’s enclosed nature creates a natural sanctuary for these animals, offering unparalleled opportunities for wildlife viewing.

Best place to see buffalo , Serengeti National park

3. Tarangire National Park

Famous for its large elephant herds and ancient baobab trees, Tarangire National Park is a hidden gem within Tanzania’s northern circuit. During the dry season, the Tarangire River becomes a vital water source, attracting an abundance of wildlife including wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles. The park’s diverse habitats, ranging from grassy savannahs to swamps and woodlands, support a rich array of birdlife as well, making it a bird watcher’s paradise.

4. Selous Game Reserve

As one of the largest protected areas in Africa, Selous Game Reserve offers a wilderness experience like no other. This vast expanse of pristine wilderness encompasses diverse ecosystems, including savannahs, wetlands, and dense woodlands, providing habitat for a wide range of wildlife species. Visitors to Selous can embark on boat safaris along the Rufiji River, where they can observe hippos, crocodiles, and a myriad of bird species up close.

5. Mahale Mountains National Park

Nestled along the shores of Lake Tanganyika, Mahale Mountains National Park is renowned for its population of wild chimpanzees. Trekking through the park’s lush forests in search of these fascinating primates is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, offering intimate encounters with these intelligent creatures in their natural habitat. In addition to chimpanzees, Mahale is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including leopards, bushbucks, and numerous bird species.

Each of these destinations offers a unique wildlife experience, showcasing Tanzania’s incredible biodiversity and natural beauty. Whether you’re tracking lions across the Serengeti plains or trekking through the forests of Mahale in search of chimpanzees, a visit to Tanzania’s premier wildlife destinations is sure to be an unforgettable adventure.

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Bruno African Safari

Bruno African safari is a authentic tour company in Tanzania based on Wildlife safari , Kilimanjaro climb, Zanzibar holiday and Cultural tour.